High Road Leadership

Bringing People Together in a World that Divides


6 week Leadership roundtable  

INTRODUCTION to High-Road Leadership - Understanding the concept - Discussion on Dr. John C. Maxwell's philosophy

VALUING ALL PEOPLE - Exploring the importance of valuing everyone in leadership - Case studies and practical exercises

DOING THE RIGHT THINGS FOR THE RIGHT REASONS - Deep dive to ethical leadership

TAKING ACCOUNTABILITY - Understanding the role of Accountability in leadership - Implementing Accountability

PLACING PEOPLE ABOVE PERSONAL AGENDA - Learn how to prioritize people over personal agenda

WRAP-UP & ACTION PLAN - Review Key learnings   

Course Summary

Join the High Road Leadership Movement

I invite you to join me on this journey of intentional high road leadership. Let's commit to serving others, embracing diverse perspectives, and fostering a culture of respect, collaboration, and empathy. Together, we can make a positive impact and empower the next generation of leaders to embrace the principles of high road leadership.

Thank you for being a part of this transformative journey.

Course Curriculum

Jose Oliver

With a background in Electronic Engineering, Mr. Oliver started his career as a sales engineer for organizations with customers around the world and serving in different industries, and he exceeded sales quotas every year. With an entrepreneurship spirit, he started and led a company for 3 years that evolved from a consulting firm to a systems integration (machine builder) company, where he led up to 25 people at the peak of this company’s growth journey. He was invited to join a larger systems integration corporation and moved to the United States to get closer to the company’s operations team. With a spirit of servanthood, he studied and got certified in several disciplines to start a new organization that aims to provide personal and organizational behavior enhancement tools applied to Leadership.

His experience in the Leadership training arena as facilitator include 360 degree leadership assessments at the Air-Force, training mid-level managers on leadership skills, and deployment of online training sessions for personal growth. His certifications include Maxwell Leadership, DISC Advanced Behavioral Analysis Consultant, Dr. Amen’s Brain Health Coach, EQ Project, and OKR Professional, among others.

Course Pricing

High-Road Leadership

$1588 USD

  • Group Coaching for 4 Team members to study the book High-Road Leadership.

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